Why I decided to study Software Engineering

1 min readDec 10, 2020

I’m currently four days into a full time software engineering online immersion at Flatiron School. How did I get here?!

My background screams NOT TECH. I’ve got a total of five degrees/certifications, ranging from English to theatre to massage therapy to culinary arts and restaurant management. I’ve been working in hospitality for the last decade, and recently got back to being active in community theatre. I’m all about arts and creation and people skills.

But then covid happened. And I was remote, then downsized to part time, and asked myself what I wanted my life to look like after things rebooted, so to speak. And the answers surprised me. I wanted to learn something new, that would actually provide me with financial security (anyone in the arts and foodservice will tell you that those fields aren’t really lucrative, except in rare cases). I can always cook for people (I still cater), and I want to be able to enjoy my time making art without worrying about my bills.

Found a few online coding demos. It spoke to my problem solving brain. And then I found a grant that would cover the cost of a program — and I applied — and I got it. School is expensive. Self teaching is possible, but I wanted more structure, and help available. I’ve been given an amazing opportunity. And I can’t wait to see how this all turns out.




Software engineering grad, theatre geek, master punster.